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BBL Recovery Resources / After Liposuction - AirSculpt vs Traditional Lipo - Smartlipo

awake liposuction

Everything You Need to Know about Awake Liposuction

Tired of stubborn fat pockets ruining your body confidence? Awake liposuction might be your answer! Unlike traditional liposuction where you're under general anesthesia, awake lipo lets you be conscious and comfortable during the procedure. So, ditch the anxiety and hello sculpted bod!

But how does it work? Relax, it's simpler than you think:

    1. Lights stay on: You remain awake with the help of sedation and local anesthesia.
    1. Targeted numbing: A special solution (tumescent fluid) further numbs the treatment area.
    1. Fat adios!: Your surgeon removes unwanted fat strategically, sculpting your body to your desired shape.

Why choose awake lipo? Buckle up for the benefits:

    • Better Results: Communicate with your surgeon for precise sculpting, leading to a dreamier outcome
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 Ultimate Guide to Best BBL Pillows

Top Tips for Comfort and Support After BBL Surgery

Ready to rock your new curves after your BBL surgery? While you're probably excited to flaunt your results, the truth is, recovery can be tough. That's where the magic of BBL pillows comes in. These specially designed cushions aren't just about comfort; they're essential for supporting your healing body and maximizing your results.

But with so many options out there, choosing the right BBL pillow can feel overwhelming. Worry not, beautiful! This guide will be your BFF, navigating you through everything you need to know about BBL pillows, with a special spotlight on the #1 doctor-recommended Bombshell Booty Pillow!

Why are BBL Pillows Important?

Imagine this: you're lying down, but the pressure on your newly sculpted booty is causing discomfort and swelling. Not ideal, right? BBL pillows come to the rescue by:

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