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BBL Recovery Resources / Abdominoplasty Surgeon

When to start wearing ab board after lipo

When to start wearing ab board after lipo

Liposuction surgery can eliminate localized pockets of fat that cannot be reduced with diet and exercise alone  With this, you can contour the buttocks, saddlebags, love handles, ankles, breasts, and many other areas of the body. Wearing AB board after lipo can flatten your abdomen’s skin and fasten your recovery. The use of an Ab board can help prevent many complications. Many people know that it is recommended to wear an ab board but they are not sure when to start wearing ab board after lipo.

Usually, it is suggested to start wearing an ab board and compression garment soon after your procedure and use it continuously for at least 3 months for the best results.

What is Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure of removing fat from a specific area to create a more contoured, aesthetically pleasing shape. After undergoing this surgery, it's important to use some post-op accessories to aid the body in recovering and achieving the desired aesthetic results. One of the products often suggested by surgeons in the postoperative phase is the use of ab board, also known as an abdominal board. The success of liposuction also depends on how strictly you follow aftercare guidelines. 

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awake liposuction

Everything You Need to Know about Awake Liposuction

Tired of stubborn fat pockets ruining your body confidence? Awake liposuction might be your answer! Unlike traditional liposuction where you're under general anesthesia, awake lipo lets you be conscious and comfortable during the procedure. So, ditch the anxiety and hello sculpted bod!

But how does it work? Relax, it's simpler than you think:

    1. Lights stay on: You remain awake with the help of sedation and local anesthesia.
    1. Targeted numbing: A special solution (tumescent fluid) further numbs the treatment area.
    1. Fat adios!: Your surgeon removes unwanted fat strategically, sculpting your body to your desired shape.

Why choose awake lipo? Buckle up for the benefits:

    • Better Results: Communicate with your surgeon for precise sculpting, leading to a dreamier outcome
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